Welcome to My Blog!

After much coaxing, its finally here. Janelle's blog. I'm not promising much more than an inside track into my brain, but, hey, it might be fun to go exploring! :)

Monday, August 18, 2008

The Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow

As you read in my last blog, my husband and I recently moved to Deerfield, IL so he can go to seminary. We are excited to be going back to the college life...working, going to school, sleeping, etc. Jeremy had wanted to get a part-time job while he was in school to supplement our income. A week after we moved, we went job-hunting. The first stop on our trip was Panera Bread. Unbeknownst to us, a location had just opened the prior week. All we knew was that they were hiring. As Jeremy was filling out the application, I did a little shopping at the local grocery store. By the time I returned, he had already been hired! :) I was super-excited because I didn't realize that it was quite that easy to get a p/t job. The benefits are great--percentages off food all the time and free bread when we want to go pick it up! :) It is also great that he is beginning to really enjoy working with the people. Other benefits are that it is only a mile or so away, so he can walk (if I need the car).

My job search hasn't gone as smoothly. I was intending to get a somewhat professional job working on Trinity's campus. I did the filling out of the application and actually had 3 different job interviews on-campus. The frustrating thing is that none of those three possibilities worked out for me. Even though I didn't want to, I started looking into teaching positions. I found one in the area, and even though I submitted my application, I was not contacted for an interview. I am working on getting my Illinois teaching license, but that is quite a process that involves taking 4 proficiency tests. It will be a long process, I can tell already.

So here I am--with an undergraduate degree and going to start a master's this fall--jobless with no prospects. It is getting to the time where I just need something to do. I'm kind of tired of spending my endless days (What day is it again? They are all starting to blend together.) at home. Jeremy has been working 40+ hours/week, which leaves me with very little human contact during the day. Finally, I realized that I just need to bite the bullet and find anything that will help contribute to the paying of our bills.

Last Saturday, August 16, Jeremy and I went out job hunting for me. I decided that Barnes & Noble and Starbucks were the two places I wouldn't mind working, so we Googled them and took off. The first stop was the Starbucks near the Panera where Jeremy works. I filled out an application, but, unfortunately, they were not hiring...so, the next stop was Deerfield. There are at least 3 Starbucks locations on Deerfield Rd., all within about 1 mile of each other, and one of which is located in a Barnes & Noble. It seemed like a good place to continue my job search. By the time I got to the third location on Deerfield Rd., I was getting pretty discouraged. I realized that yes, indeed, it was a Saturday and the managers probably weren't in, so I would have to wait until Monday to hear back about any of them.

I filled out the application at the third location, turned it in, and asked for the manager (not expecting that there would be one there). The worker promptly took my application to the Assistant Store Manager(ASM), got me a coffee and asked me to wait for a moment while the ASM reviewed it. That was promising, right? When the ASM came out of the back area, he was all set for an interview. We got through interviewing and he offered me a job on the spot. The one downer was that the pay was a little less than I was hoping to earn. He then mentioned that he thought I would be a good candidate for a supervisory position and I would have a chance to advance in both status and pay after the initial training period (1-2 months). The benefits are good--Starbucks certainly takes care of their employees. Not only are the health benefits good, the perks are great. I get free drinks during my shift, a percentage off products at any Starbucks store, and 1 lb. of coffee (or a box of tea) free each week I work over 20 hours.

As I was sitting in Starbucks, waiting for the ASM to finalize paperwork, I couldn't help but think to myself, "I knew we were going back to a college lifestyle, but I didn't realize that it meant working retail again. Is this really what God has for me?" And I guess that's what I'm struggling with now. I am a college-educated person! I have successfully held a job (in the same place) for 3 consecutive years. How is it that I am unable to get a professional job?

And then I started talking to other Trinity students and it seems that, unknowingly, I have taken the same path that many of them have taken. They nod sympathetically and identify with the fact that Starbucks is where many students start out. So I guess it isn't that bad after all. My long tenure with Fareway prepared me for life in ways I didn't even know at the time and its really paying off now. Besides, I think Jeremy's right in that it will be a fun job for me, even though its not what I expected I'd get.

I'm not giving up on looking for professional jobs, but I am putting it on hold for right now. I will continue to look for teaching positions and jobs on Trinity's campus, but for right now, I'm going to enjoy the college lifestyle. Our families can expect coffee (or coffee related products) and bread for Christmas...its all we'll be able to afford. :) Who knows what God's plan is? I can only see right now, but He sees the entire time continuum--AND, He has a plan! :) So I guess I'll just wait and see what comes down the pike.


Kristi said...

Hi Janelle,
Just a thought I had in reading what you said...
If you believe that God provided this job for you, be on the lookout for what He has in mind for you there. See what He does!

There's an old song that I recently learned that says,

Does the place you're called to labor
Seem too small and little known?
It is great if God is in it
And He won't forsake His own.

Little is much when God is in it;
Labor not for wealth or fame
For there's a crown and you can win it
When you go in Jesus' name.

Kristi said...

by the way, i'm a friend of hannah and jeremy's from 'way back.

Ben said...

i have a college degree and I work construction. I empathize with you both.